The 5S method
Currently under development in our production facilities, the method has colour coding at its core.
Orange is our favourite colour at eurakor... In our workshops, we find a more varied colour palette.
With the help of our current interim operational director, Benoit Erpicum, we started to develop the 5S method, which originated in Japan. It was first formalised in a large automotive company.
At eurakor, this method aims to achieve better visibility, increased security, motivated and efficient employees, and satisfied customers.
In summary, what are the 5S?:
Seiri :
Eliminate everything that is unnecessary
Seiton :
Putting something away in a specific place so that you can find it immediately when you need it and without wasting time looking for it
Seiso :
Cleaning as a first step towards self-maintenance.
Seiketsu :
Standardise. Rules are defined. Visual management is recommended in order to eliminate the risks of being disordered.
Shitsuke :
Respect the rules previously established.