30 July 2024

Pervious concrete: an innovative response to environmental and urban challenges

With the growing challenges of urban flooding and stormwater management, pervious concrete is emerging as an innovative and sustainable solution in the construction sector. This material, designed to allow water to infiltrate directly into the ground, meets both the needs of modern urban development and increasingly stringent environmental requirements.

Why is pervious concrete at the heart of today's concerns?

Cities are facing increasingly frequent extreme weather events, including heavy rainfall that can lead to flash flooding. Impermeable surfaces, such as traditional concrete or asphalt, exacerbate these problems by preventing water from infiltrating the ground. Pervious concrete, on the other hand, enables rainwater to be managed effectively, reducing the risk of flooding while recharging the water table.

The benefits of pervious concrete for construction projects

  • Rainwater management Pervious concrete allows water to be channelled directly into the ground, reducing the load on drainage systems and limiting the risk of flooding.
  • Reducing heat islands This material encourages water infiltration, which helps to cool urban surfaces, thereby reducing heat islands, a major problem in highly urbanised areas.
  • Durability and low maintenance Pervious concrete is robust and low-maintenance, making it an economical choice for areas with heavy pedestrian or car traffic.

Pervious concrete applications in Blicq projects

At Blicq, we're at the cutting edge of innovation when it comes to building materials. Pervious concrete fits perfectly into our range of products dedicated to sustainable, high-performance solutions. Whether for urban development, car parks, pedestrian walkways and residential areasThis material offers an appropriate response to today's challenges.

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  • Urban development Pervious concrete: today's cities are looking for solutions to combat flooding and heat islands. Pervious concrete is an ideal option for pavements, parks and public spaces, providing effective stormwater management and contributing to the well-being of citizens.
  • Car parks and driveways By replacing traditional concrete with pervious concrete in car parks and driveways, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of puddles and slipping, while at the same time helping to recharge the water table.
  • Residential areas Pervious concrete: residential projects also benefit from pervious concrete, particularly in driveways and parking areas, where it reduces the risk of flooding and promotes a more natural, ecological environment.

Towards greener, more resilient construction

Pervious concrete represents the future of sustainable construction materials. By incorporating this product into your projects, you are choosing a solution that not only meets technical and aesthetic requirements, but also environmental imperatives.

Adopting pervious concrete in your construction projects demonstrates your commitment to sustainable practices, while guaranteeing high performance and longevity.