14 August 2024

Craon: a natural material with many uses.

Le craon is a mineral raw material of natural origin, essentially made up of soft limestone. This material is distinguished by its white to cream colour and fine, crumbly texture. It is often confused with other types of limestone or chalk, but has its own characteristics that make it particularly useful in various industrial sectors.

Craon and the tennis courts

Clay courts, especially red ones such as those used in prestigious tournaments like Roland Garros, require several layers of material to achieve an optimal playing surface. Craon is often used in the foundation layer of these courts.

  • Stabilisation and drainage Craon: thanks to its fine, crumbly texture, craon is used to stabilise the subsoil of the court. It also ensures good drainage, preventing water from accumulating after rainfall. This feature is essential for maintaining the playability of the court in a variety of weather conditions.
  • Adhesion and resistance Craon: Craon helps to hold the different layers of the court together. It ensures good adhesion between these layers, improving the durability of the court while providing a stable surface for players.
  • Surface preparation Chalk: Before the top layer of clay is applied, chalk is often used to create a smooth, even base. This ensures that the playing surface will be even, with no irregularities that could affect the ball's bounce.

    In the world of tennis, craon is a discreet but essential material for the construction and maintenance of clay courts, contributing to the quality of the game and the longevity of the courts.

    Other uses for craon

    Craon is used in a multitude of applications, thanks to its advantageous physico-chemical properties. Here are just some of the uses for craon:

    • Agriculture As a limestone amendment, it corrects soil acidity and promotes plant growth.
    • Building It is used in the composition of cement, mortar and coatings, making them strong and easy to work with.
    • Stationery It improves paper quality by making it smoother and more resistant.
    • Chemistry Used as a mineral filler, it improves the texture of paints, plastics and rubber while reducing costs.
    • Food industry It is used as a food additive thanks to its purity and neutrality.

    Packaging of craon by eurakor

    eurakor is responsible for packaging craon to make it available to its customers in formats adapted to their needs. We package craon mainly in big bagsThis type of heavy-duty, large-capacity bag makes it easy to transport and store large quantities of material.

    This big bag packaging protects craon from external elements such as humidity, while offering a practical solution for handling it in the industries that use it. We ensure that the craon is delivered in optimum conditions for its final use, in compliance with the specifications requested by our customers.